
Showing posts from September, 2022

cow benefits

Surya Ketu Nadi produces gold salts in body and milk products gets golden color. cures many dieseas health problems. human have 72000 nerves cows have 32crore nerves connected to ketu nadi. rays and energy receivers  from all over the universe... all  constellations

manasika snanam - bath - bathing with a thought or mind or meditation

  magining the lotus feet of the Lord is on your head and water from his feet is flowing all over the body.   Manthhra to recite are given bellow. ॐ  अपवित्र :  पवित्रो वा  सर्वावस्थां गतोअपी वा | य: स्मरेत पुण्डरीकाक्षं स बाहान्तर : शुचि: || meditating on Pundarikaksha cleanes both internally and externally when there are situations one can not bath naturally.

benefits of sandhya vandhana and Argya

 Lustre Health preserving the quality of both body and mind Light body High intellect Grasping power High intuition Memory power ref:

references to sun enerfy and gayatri mantra sandhya vandhanam

Sandhyavandanam Chapter 2 Section 6 and Chapter 3, Section 12 - Chandogya Upanishad - “Aditya vidya” meditation of Sun or Aditya at sunrise and sunset. Worship procedure : Second Prasna, Second Anuvaka of Taittiriya Aranyaka (Yajur Veda) Ishvashya Upanishad of Shukla Yajurveda also refers to Sun worship as above at sunrise and sunset Aditya Hridaya of the Yuddakanda of Ramayan