
Showing posts from August, 2023

Sanskrit dictionary

Indian sampradayas from vedas

ekadasi fasting dwadasi names of vishnu.

12 months beginning from Margasirsha (November and December) are respectively sacred to  Kesava,  Narayana,  Madhava,  Govinda,  Vishnu,  Madhusudana,  Trivikrama, Vamana,  Sridhara,  Hrishikesa,  Padmanabha Damodara.  A person who, having fasted previously, worships Vishnu on Dwadasi days, singing 12 names mentioned above, will be freed from trammels of rebirth and will obtain salvation. (14)

Indian procedures garbha danam pumsavanam jatha karma nama karanam niskramanam annaprasana

Pumsavanam for male son kid

In this Video thidhis and procedure given

Veda Vyasa - Family tree


hair and nail cut good and bad days


ebooks from tirumala

Varalakshmi vratham procedure as per purana


good to do sun dominance works in krishna paksha pingala sun thidhi time and sun days and othe rfor moon related works.

 When the Chandra nadi (Ida) and the forthnight, dates (Tithi) and the days (vara) of the moon correspond, all the works (to be done in the dominance of the moon) result in success. On the other hand, when the Surya nadi (Pingala) and the days etc of the sun correspond, all the works (to be done in the dominance of the sun) result in success.,meals%20and%20%2F%20or%20pass%20faeces.

how to pronounce Om Kara


How to Perform Putra Ganapati Vratam? || Dharma Sandehalu || Bhakthi TV


Vratas for kids


best plates for sraddha for food to gods and pitrus - from vayu purana

 66. Mud-pots, vessels made of the leaves or wood of the Udumbara {ficus glomerate) tree, its fruits and Samits, all these are considered very holy in Sraddha. They are very pure. The following trees are equally sacrifice-worthy : Palasa (Bd. P.), Plak$a, Nyagrodha, Asvattha, Vikankata, Uduihbara, Bilva and Candana The Aloe wood is to be desired by all. It has the same benefit as that of a horse-sacrifice.

ekadasi parana mantras

Anant Vrat for worldly desires and lost prosperity

  It is observed on the fourteenth day in Shukla Paksha during Bhadrapada month The legend and the Anant Vrat Katha are mentioned in several Puranas. According to some legends, Lord Krishna suggested King Yudhishtira to observe Anant Vrata for 14 continuous years to get rid of his sorrows and to bring back his wealth and kingdom that he lost in gambling game of Kauravas. Anantha vrata is observed with the intention of fulfillment of worldly desires (‘kamya vrata’). This vrata is mainly observed for regaining lost prosperity. On the day of Anantha Chaturdashi, the frequencies of Sri Vishnu are active in the Universe. It is easy for average people to attract and absorb these frequencies on this day.

Bhadrapada (Shasti thithi) is known as Surya Shashti - early moarning prayer to sun god is equal to Ashwamedha Yaga.

 6th day in the lunar month Bhadrapada (Shasti thithi) is known as Surya Shashti. It is highly meritorious to take bath early in the morning on this day, worship Sun God (Surya Naaraayana) and take Panchagavya (a mix of five items related to the sacred Cow). This is supposed to give merits equivalent to Ashwamedha Yaga.

Jahnavi meaning - water Ganga that came from rushiking jahnu - in the month of vaisaka on saptami day.

  Seeing this, the devas prayed to the sage to release Ganga, so that she could proceed on her mission to release the souls of the ancestors of Bhagiratha. Jahnu relented, and he released the Ganges from his ear. [4]  For this, the  Ganges river  is also known as  Jahnavi , meaning "daughter of Jahnu" Seventh day in Vaisakha maasa (Sapthami) is known as Ganga Sapthami or Gangotpatti the day Holy Ganga came out of Sage Jahnu’s ear and thenceforth came to be known as JaAhnavi

Hindhu Months

Donating water in chitra masam and up to 4 months until summer end is very good.

 with copper pot or earthen or silver pot with new cloath is very good.

ruthus as per hindhu

 Chaithra & Vaisakha — Vasantha Ruthu Jyeshta & Aaashaada - Greeshma Ruthu Sraavana & Bhaadrapada - Varsha Ruthu Aaswayuja & Kartheeka - Sharad Ruthu Maargasira & Pushya - Hemantha Ruthu Maagha & Phaalguna - Sisira Ruthu

Sankam sanku procedure to do in home


33 years of Ayyappa mala deeksha person explaining about Sanka Limca book of record in Sanka blowing will teach free from AP

33 years of Ayyappa mala deeksha person explaining about Sanka Limca book of record in Sanka blowing will teach free from AP

different types of vows

these items are pure for ever.

  Five natural elements (Air, Water, Fire, Sky, Earth),  kusha  grass and  chamasa  of  yajna  remains pure forever.  parasara smrithi

if sperm wasted on non human female bodies - Sāntapana Kṛcchra OR recite the Gayathri verse one thousand times

  Sāntapana K ṛcchra need to be done  which is eating cow related items one day and fast on another day. as per Parashara Smriti Chapter 12 Verse 63 63. If a householder willingly causes the discharge of his virile seed otherwise than in sexual intercourse, he should recite the Gayathri verse one thousand times, and should perform three Pranayamas.

if someone spends for another persons marriage then the kids he get will be kids of the persn who donated

 even though husband is real married person. he can only enjoy married life.

Vinayaka Chaturthi Mantra and tarpanam and prasadam procedure
