
Showing posts from July, 2022

chathurmasa document

fasting methods and thidis and festivals explained as per hindhu darma

donate these days to get more benefits

It is said that by giving charity on a Monday when the moon is full, one obtains a hundred thousand times the results of ordinary charity. O winner of wealth, one who gives charity on the day of the sankranti (equinox) attains four hundred thousand times the ordinary result. Yet simply by fasting on Ekadasi one obtains all these pious results, as well as whatever pious results one gets at Kurukshetra during an eclipse of the sun or moon. A person who feeds just one brahmacari earns ten times more merit than one who feeds ten good brahmanas in his own house. But a thousand times more merit than is earned by feeding a brahmacari is achieved by donating land to the needy and respectable brahmana, and a thousand time more than that is earned by giving away a virgin girl in marriage to a young, well-educated, responsible man. Ten times more beneficial than this is educating children properly on the spiritual path, without expecting any reward in return. Ten times better than this, howeve

about each ekadasi

about each ekadasi On Dvadasi, the day after Ekadasi, one should pray, “O Pundarikaksha, O lotus-eyed Lord, now I will eat. Please shelter me.” ‘On Dvadasi one must avoid sleeping during the day, eating in another’s home, eating more than once, having sex, eating honey, eating from a bell-metal plate, eating urad-dal, and rubbing oil on one’s body. If one finds himself in difficult circumstances and cannot break the Ekadasi fast properly on Dvadasi, one can break it by drinking water, and then one is not at fault if he eats again after that.

ekadasi imp points

Oh king, one should never give up fasting on Ekadasi, even if it falls on Saturday, Sunday, on an eclipse day or on Sankranti day. Ekadasi and Dvadasi are both qualified for fasting. Furthermore, one should fast when Ekadasi is combined with Dvadasi, but one should never fast when Ekadasi is combined with Dasami. One should never fast on the days when Ekadasi is overlapped with Dasami. If one does so, looses whatever merit he had accumulated for one hundred years. ref: If you have observed a complete fast (without even water), you do not need to break it with grains. You can break it with caranamrita or fruit. Those devotees who fasted all day and took nothing other than air, it is advised to drink a mixture of 50 - 50 hot milk and water, sweatened with rock candy sugar after the sun has risen at the appropriate time. The effects of this loosen the mala (stools) in the intestine where all the toxins from the fast have been absorbed, and

if thidi falls on two days at sunrise

if thidi falls on two days at sunrise consider second day for ekadasi, amavasya and pournami and first day for others. If Ekadasi falls on Sunrise two days in a row, fasting is observed on the second day.

devi navaratrulu importance for health


three important things for health

dont eat until previous food digested completely. sleep in the left side. eat thaamboolam in the night and sleep.

dont eat in the night time on sunday, amavasya and pournami and dont eat in the moarning on chathurdasi and astami days by Chaganti koteswar rao.


Why fasting on ekadasi day - and mukkoti ekadasi reason

  why on mukkoti ekadasi

Chathurmasam details explained in telugu
