
Showing posts from May, 2023

Lakshmi devi resides in cow dung

best devine of all cows are kapila cows oon by shiva and fire god. which has red color on eyes or ears or nose or horns or on whole body.

cow for all diseases and beightness

 If cow milk, cow urine and cow dung are taken for three days as medicine, it cures all diseases. Cow ghee gives humanbeing brightness.

procedure for cow go dhana from mahabharata

Land as best charity from mahabaharata

 O Dharmaja! giving away money, grains, cows, diamonds, land, water, food etc. to virtuous brahmins yields the result of performing Yajna. But amongst all charities, giving away land as charity is best of all. Because, all the other things viz., clothes, grains, diamonds etc. are products of land (earth). Giving away land as charity is equivalent to giving away all the above things as charity. The person who gives away land as charity enjoys heavenly pleasures as long as the earth exists. Even if one parts with small extent of land as charity, he will enjoy royal pleasures in his next birth.

Land as best Charity from MahaBharata

 O Dharmaja! giving away money, grains, cows, diamonds, land, water, food etc. to virtuous brahmins yields the result of performing Yajna. But amongst all charities, giving away land as charity is best of all. Because, all the other things viz., clothes, grains, diamonds etc. are products of land (earth). Giving away land as charity is equivalent to giving away all the above things as charity. The person who gives away land as charity enjoys heavenly pleasures as long as the earth exists. Even if one parts with small extent of land as charity, he will enjoy royal pleasures in his next birth.

married woman cAN get a baby with another man if husband doesnt get kids as per mahabharatha

If anybody is issueless, he can adopt the son of his daughter (douhitra) with the permission of his son in law and daughter. Such adopted son shall have all rights over the property as a natural son.  If any married couple has no issues, the wife, with the permission of her husband, may have sexual intercourse with another virtuous man and beget children. Such children are called Kshetraja and they are also regarded as the natural sons of that married couple. The husband shall treat them as his own sons. If any man begets children through another married woman, other than his wife, he is called Goodhaja. Those children are regarded as the natural sons of her original husband. kids son If an unmarried girl gives birth to a child, such child is called Kaaneena. After her marriage, that child is considered to be the legitimate son of her legally wedded husband.

should we visit all piligrimage and temples

 O Dharmaja! while making pilgrimages, one should keep his mind peaceful, uninfluenced by anger, greediness and pride. Then only he attains the fruits of pilgrimages.  Dharmaja! in fact, all the Thirdhas and holy places are in our body. Controlling sense organs, performing Tapas and controlling mind are equal to visiting holy places. Without purity of mind, taking holy bath in rivers is nothing but taking bath everyday. It only cleans the body but not the mind.  O Dharmana! without worrying for the things which we do not have; without developing more affection on which we have; if one controls his sense organs, he need not visit any holy place or take any holy dip in any river. Such people remain purified always. One need not visit, all the way, all the Thirthas and holy places by spending money and time. It is sufficient if he feels visiting those places in his mind. This is what all I know about holy places and their visits.” said Bhishma.

bheeshma in mahabarata importance of not having Meat and drinks.

 If the fruits of thousand Yajnas and truthfulness is put in scales, truthfulness weighs more than the fruits of thousand Yajnas. If one abstains from consuming meat and alcohol, it is greater than observing brahmacharya throughout life. Controlling sense organs while moving in the outside world is called Soucha.”said Bhishma.

Kruchha vrat - equivalents - as per Parasara smruthi

 Following has been taken from Tamil translation of Parasara smruthi by Desikachariyar Chating gayathri japram for 10,000 times 200 pranayamam Takea dip in sacred water, chant tarpana japams, come out and dip again - repeating this 12 times Going for theertha yatra that is 2 yojana distant ( 1 yojana = about 8 miles = about 12.8 km ) These are equivalent to one Krucha vrat

Purifiers by mere look - Parasara smruti

We get instantly purified by mere looking at the following -  Brahmin who maintains the fire even during night (agnisayanam) Kaaraam pasu (Cow with pitch black color from tongue throughout its bottom) Person who has performed yaagam called chatiram King Sanyasi Ocean One should look at these everyday.

Types of bath prescribed by Parasara smruti equal to Ganga snanam - Taken from Tamil translation by Desikachariyar

1.  Applying ash over the body is called agneya snanam 2. Taking a dip in water - varunam 3. Getting purified by AapOhista mantram - Bhrahmam 4. Standing near the dust flying from cow's feet - Vayu 5. Getting drenched in rain falling when sun is visible - Divya snanam Each of the above is considered euql to ganga snanam (dip in river ganga)

Chandrayan vrat and Kruchha vrat - Different types of vratams

Details of chandrayan and kruchha vratams are explained in detail in this blog link - Source:

Parishath / Parishad - Court as defined in Parasara smruti

Parishath (Learned council) as given in Parasara smruthi translated to Tamil by Desikachariyar. This could be underst ood like a court that gives punishments/prayaschittams for various sins.   Three or four brahmins with veda knowledge doing angnihotram can form a parishath (council). This council can be approached for any doubts.  Brahmin who have knowledge of vedas and vedangas but not agnihotris, such brahmins three or five in number can for parishath. Group containing not less than 10, including people with 4 veda knowledge, people with knwoledge of process of parishath, people with knowledge of vedangams including jyothishyam, people with knowledge of dharma shastras can form parishadh. Such a council could s eek king's approval and give prayaschittams.  once the parishath gives prayaschittham, if king tries doing beyond it, the sin will go to the king.

Panchagavyam - as per Parashara smruti

Here is the ingredients for panchagavyam taken from Tamil translation of Parasara smrithi by Desikachariyar.   Panchagavyam -  --------------------- Gomutram - 1 part Milk - 7 parts curd - 3 parts Ghee - 1 part Dharba jalam - 1 part Gomayam - Half of top portion of thumb Gomutram from black cow; gomayam form white cow; milk from brass coloured cow; Curd from red cow; Ghee from Kapila cow. or all the ingredients can be from kapila cow itself.

When to do Samudra Snanam?

NO on tuesday and friday even if it is on festival days like sankranthi amavasya and pournami. near ramasethu two seas mix so we can take bath there any time.

Parasara smriti - points - Kali yuga dharmam

  patitaṉ   Meaning - One who haslost caste or religion, apostate;  Daanam - Donation: Best - Search for needy, go to him and  donate Medium - Ask needy to come and donate Low - Donate  to person who asks for Useless - giving to someone nearby If one eats food with cloth tied on his head, if one eats facing south, if one eats by leaning on one's left hand and left leg, such food is eaten by rakshasas When one does agriculture, he has to give one-sixth portion (1/6) to king; one-twentioneth portion (1/21) to god; one-thirtieth portion (1/30) to brahmins - he who does this will be wiped out of sins committed by doing agriculture. Assuchi / Asoucham / Mayili / Theettu -  1. If baby dies in garbham (aborted), then no asoucham, no samskaram, no tarpanam 2. Mother will be asoucham for a count of days equal to the number of months of conception. Ex. if abortion happens in 2 months of conception, then mother will have 2 days asoucham 3. If baby does in womb, after 6 months of conception, t

Mantra to get protection from others


good explanation of indias cast and gotra system


Kali yuga dharmam - law of kali yuga

 Parasura smriti/smruti are to be followed in kali yuga while manu's is for krutha yuga.

Places fit to live

 Places where ganga flows are fit for life for dwijas. Kaveri, tungabatra, krisnaveni, gowthame, bhagerathe are considered equivalent to ganga. Places where these rivers flow are recommended for living, even though these places are ruled by fourth varna. 

Sleeping direction - West/North

 Sleeping keeping head in west or north direction will take away the wealth even for Indra.

Sea/Ocean Ashwata tree - should not touch

 Source: Smrutimukhtaphalam Topic: Samudrasnanam It says, Ocean(Sea) and Aswata tree are meant for praying and not for touching.  Aswata tree/Raavi chettu/Arasa maram - can be touched on Saturday. We can touch sea during parva kaalam. During other times, we should not even touch the ocean with the tip of a dharba grass. What is Parva kaalam? -  Ashtami, Chaturdasi, Poornima/pournami, Amavasya, surya/chandra grahanam, pushkara samayam. We can take bath on any day in Rameswaram.

japa with 27 beeds redraksha mala from neck gives 1 crore times benefits.
