Parasara smriti - points - Kali yuga dharmam


patitaṉ   Meaning - One who haslost caste or religion, apostate; 

Daanam - Donation:
Best - Search for needy, go to him and  donate
Medium - Ask needy to come and donate
Low - Donate to person who asks for
Useless - giving to someone nearby

If one eats food with cloth tied on his head, if one eats facing south, if one eats by leaning on one's left hand and left leg, such food is eaten by rakshasas

When one does agriculture, he has to give one-sixth portion (1/6) to king; one-twentioneth portion (1/21) to god; one-thirtieth portion (1/30) to brahmins - he who does this will be wiped out of sins committed by doing agriculture.

Assuchi / Asoucham / Mayili / Theettu - 
1. If baby dies in garbham (aborted), then no asoucham, no samskaram, no tarpanam
2. Mother will be asoucham for a count of days equal to the number of months of conception. Ex. if abortion happens in 2 months of conception, then mother will have 2 days asoucham
3. If baby does in womb, after 6 months of conception, then 10 days asoucham has to be followed as per delivery rules
4. If baby dies after delivery, and before getting teeth, then no asoucham, no samskaram, no tarpanam
5. When a baby is born, mother will have suddhi after 10 days of birth; father will have suddhi after bath if he stays without touching the wife

If well water gets impure, taking out 100 potfull of water from it and pouring panchagavya inside the well purifies it.

If brass vessel is used fo washing legs or for mouth wash, such a vessel should be kept under earth for 6 months and then washed and reused. This is the purification process for that vessel. purified by 

Silk clothes, cotton clothes, woollen blanket - get purified by just sprinkling water

Ilavam panju matress (free foam matress), sofa, pillow, red coloured clothes - these get purified by drying in sun or sprinkling water

Following are not impure-
1. while washing legs if water touches the earth and spill on us, 
2. Saliva falling while speaking
3. Oil stuck in hands while eating, that stays even after washing hands

Three or four brahmins with veda knowledge doing angnihotram can form a parishath (council). This council can be approached for any doubts. 
Brahmin who have knowledge of vedas and vedangas but not agnihotris, such brahmins three or five in number can for parishath.
Group containing not less than 10, including people with 4 veda knowledge, people with knwoledge of process of parishath, people with knowledge of vedangams including jyothishyam, people with knowledge of dharma shastras can form parishadh.
Such a council could seek king's approval and give prayaschittams. 
once the parishath gives prayaschittham, if king tries doing beyond it, the sin will go to the king.

Panchagavyam - 
Gomutram - 1 part
Milk - 7 parts
curd - 3 parts
Ghee - 1 part
Dharba jalam - 1 part
Gomayam - Half of top portion of thumb

Gomutram from black cow; gomayam form white cow; milk from brass coloured cow; Curd from red cow; Ghee from Kapila cow.
or all the ingredients can be from kapila cow itself.


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