
Showing posts from July, 2023

Adhika maas vrata importance

Greatness of ekadasi fast ekadasi is als called Dinathraya or three-day Vratha

Mainthings to avoid on ekadasi

Strictly avoid eating rice and grains, honey, meat. Do not apply oil on the day. do not eat on bell metal plate.

Ekadasi recipes -

  out of 11 ekadasis  sabudana kichidi AND Farali patties are interesting.  best making of  sabudana kichidi is given here.

Adhika Masam Ekadasi - Kamla Ekadasi - pooja procedure.

 offer unbroken coco nut, tulasi leaves fruits to god at 6 hours intergval gives the benefits of 1000 yagnas. Mantra to chant : om namo bhagavate vasudevaya

Mantra For Loans


3 rama mantras

  ramaya ramabhadraya ramachandraya vedhase, raghunathaya nathaya sitayah pataye namah 1.à°¶్à°°ీà°°ాà°® à°°ాà°® à°°ాà°®ేà°¤ి à°°à°®ే à°°ాà°®ే మనో à°°à°®ే| సహస్à°°à°¨ాà°® తత్à°¤ుà°²్యమ్ à°°ాà°® à°¨ాà°® వరాననే|| 2.à°°ాà°®ాà°¯ à°°ామభద్à°°ాà°¯ à°°ామచంà°¦్à°°ాà°¯ à°µేధసే| à°°à°˜ుà°¨ాà°¥ాà°¯ à°¨ాà°¥ాà°¯ à°¸ీà°¤ాà°¯ా: పతయే నమ:|| 3.ఆపదామప హర్à°¤ాà°°à°®్ à°¦ాà°¤ాà°°à°®్ సర్à°µ à°¸ంపదాà°®్| à°²ోà°•ాà°­ిà°°ామమ్ à°¶్à°°ీ à°°ామమ్ à°­ూà°¯ో à°­ూà°¯ో నమాà°®్యహమ్||

Adhika masam benefits


Ekadasi Significance in Adhika Masam


satru nasana mantra - enemy

Salagramam should not be bought tto home by everyone.


Adhika Masam Puja process


Rituals to be Performed in Adhika Masam


why to do pradakshina in temple.


reason behind bali in hindhu - why god created kone animal killing another for food.

  Do only gods like bhog; do goddesses not like it? For devis, traditionally, there would be blood sacrifices – goats, buffaloes, birds. These days it is not popular because of animal rights. A devi is Raktavilasini, one who loves rakt, blood. We can take it literally, but there is a metaphorical aspect to it. Bhudevi, the earth goddess, is considered to be a cow whose milk sustains everyone. But how will she sustain herself? In the form of Gauri, she gives milk, and in the form of Kali, she drinks blood – the cycle of life, as it were. This is to emphasise the idea that whenever you eat, you’ve killed something, sacrificed someone, offered bali. Plant food comes from farms which were created after decimating forests, destroying mountains and rivers, killing countless creatures in the process. The Devi always reminds you that to build your civilisation, sanskriti, you destroy prakriti, nature. And so she demands blood, even narabali, human sacrifice. more in the bellow link https://scr

duties of wife and husband - couple

how to do ekadasi fast imp points

  spend all their rime studying the glories of Ekadasi On Dvadasi, the day after Ekadasi, one should pray, "O Pundarikaksha, O lotus-eyed Lord, now I will eat. Please shelter me." After saying this, the wise devotee should offer some flowers and water at the Lord's lotus feet and invite the Lord to eat by chanting the eight-syllable mantra thrice. If the devotee wants to gain the fruit of his fast, he should then drink water taken form the sanctified vessel in which he offered water at the Lord's lotus feet. "On Dvadasi one must avoid sleeping during the day, eating in another's home, eating more than once, having sex, eating honey, eating from a bell-metal plate, eating urad-dal, and rubbing oil on one's body. The devotee must give up these eight things on Dvadasi. If he wants to speak to an outcaste on that day, he must purify himself by eating a Tulasi leaf or an amalaki fruit. O best of kings, from noon on Ekadasi until dawn on Dvadasi, one should eng

names of 108 upanishads

benefits of ekadasi is more than 4 lakh times of other

The processes of staying in places of pilgrimage, giving charity, and performing fire sacrifices may boast only as long as Ekadasi has not arrived.     Neither the merit one receives by taking a bath in the sacred place of pilgrimage known as Sankhoddhara, where the Lord killed the Sankhasura demon, nor the merit one receives upon seeing Lord Gadadhara directly is equal to one sixteenth of the merit one obtains by fasting on Ekadasi. It is said that by giving charity on a Monday when the moon is full, one obtains a hundred thousand times the results of ordinary charity. O winner of wealth, one who gives charity on the day of the sankranti (equinox) attains four hundred thousand times the ordinary result. Yet simply by fasting on Ekadasi one obtains all these pious results, as well as whatever pious results one gets at Kurukshetra during an eclipse of the sun or moon. Furthermore, the faithful soul who observes complete fasting on Ekadasi achieves a hundred times more merit than one who

sleeping on ekadasi

  One who does not remain awake overnight on a Dvadasi fasting day is not qualified to worship Lord Sri Hari. all devas and shiva and vishnu come to place who doesnt sleep in the night.

best ekadasi days to increase benefits

  Even if for a moment Ekadasi is available on Dvadasi day and Dvadasi is not touching the Trayodasi day, one should fast on Dvadasi and break fast on Trayodasi. This fasting brings the results of performing one hundred sacrifices.  The Supreme Personality of Godhead says, "If Dvadasi combines even for a moment with Trayodasi, one should give up a complete day of Ekadasi fast and fast on Dvadasi. If someone does fast like this, he does not need to take another birth in the material world."  If Ekadasi and Dvadasi fall in one day, and at night Trayodasi is combined, in other words, there are three days combined in day and night, it is called Trisprsa. This tithi or day is said to be removing sins.  In this way, after studying the rules in the scriptures and following the statements of realized souls, Ekadasi, which is pleasing to the Vaisnavas, is established. Unless one has the direct mercy of the Lord, even if he is very learned, it is very difficult to determine the correct

benefits of fasting

   This Ekadasi day was created as the Supreme medicine to remove the disease of material world of having a miserable material body and mind. Oh son (Narada), whatever merit one achieves by fasting on Dvadasi day, one cannot achieve either by performing a horse sacrifice, or by going to millions of places of pilgrimage to take bath.  In Kali-yuga, if somebody studies the glories of Dvadasi (Ekadasi) on Ekadasi day, they do not suffer with mental problems and physical disease.  The Supreme Personality of Godhead once took a measuring scale and on one side put sacrifices, austerities etc. and on the other side Dvadasi day and found that Dvadasi is more meritorious.  Any person who observes an Ekadasi fast with devotion becomes free from all difficulties and sins and after becoming purified, attains the abode of Lord Visnu.  Even if for a moment Ekadasi is available on Dvadasi day and Dvadasi is not touching the Trayodasi day, one should fast on Dvadasi and break fast on Trayodasi. This f

when not to do ekadasi fast - overlaping with dasami

 Oh brahmana, ninety-six minutes before sunrise, if there is an Ekadasi available, it is called a complete and pure Ekadasi. On this Ekadasi, even every householder should fast.  Even if Ekadasi is available forty-eight minutes before sunrise, still it is said to be mixed with the previous day. People who are interested to increase their merits should give up fasting on such Ekadasis.  If Dasami day passes over midnight, then one should give up fasting on that Ekadasi, but fast on Dvadasi day.  Therefore one should give up Ekadasi which is combined with Dasami, even if it is available before sunrise. Specifically, Vaisnavas should always reject Ekadasis which overlap Dasamis.  One should never fast on the days when Ekadasi is overlapped with Dasami. If one does so, looses whatever merit he had accumulated for one hundred years. Any person who fasts on the liberating day of Mine, but which is mixed with Dasami, their collective merit for the past 100 cycles (one cycle equals 1000 yugas)

sins of eating on ekadasi

 from NARADA PURANA  Worse than enjoying conception with one's own mother, eating beef, murdering, or drinking liquor is eating on Ekadasi day. Therefore one should not eat on the Ekadasi day.  If due to bewilderment, a Vaisnava eats grains on Ekadasi day, then whatever merit has attained by worshiping Lord Sri Visnu becomes fruitless and he falls into hell. If, after taking a vow to observe Dvadasi (Ekadasi), if one breaks it, he falls into a grievous hell known as Raurava.  Any widow, who eats grains on the Ekadasi day, becomes bereft of all of her merits and she suffers the sin of performing an abortion daily.  Oh king, one should never give up fasting on Ekadasi, even if it falls on Saturday, Sunday, on an eclipse day or on Sankranti day. Whether one takes fruits, roots, or even water on My sleeping day, or My turning-over-on-My-side day of Ekadasis, he pierces My heart with a sharp spear.  Any person who does not fast on Ekadasi and observes other day's fasts, he suffers t

all 4 casts, menstruating woman also should do ekadasi fast and no grains aon that day,not%20be%20happy%20with%20him.&text=Therefore%2C%20O%20best%20among%20human,observe%20Ekadasi%20overlapped%20with%20Dasami.  From the age of eight to the age of eighty every one must fast on ekadasi BRAHMANA KSATRIYA VISAM SUDRANAM CAIVA YOSITAM MOKSADAM KURVATAM BHAKTYA VISNOH PRIYATARAM DVIJAH (HARI BHAKTI VILASA 12/7 from BRHAN NARADIYA PURANA)  Oh brahmanas, those of brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras, whoever one may be, who fast on Ekadasi with full devotion, will certainly achieve liberation. EKADASYAM NA BHUNJIYA NARI DRSTE RAJASYAPI (HARI BHAKTI VILASA 12/16, Srngi Rsi speaks)  Even if a woman is going through menstruation, she should not eat on Ekadasi.  Oh king, one should never give up fasting on Ekadasi, even if it falls on Saturday, Sunday, on an eclipse day or on Sankranti day.