benefits of fasting

   This Ekadasi day was created as the Supreme medicine to remove the disease of material world of having a miserable material body and mind.

Oh son (Narada), whatever merit one achieves by fasting on Dvadasi day, one cannot achieve either by performing a horse sacrifice, or by going to millions of places of pilgrimage to take bath.

 In Kali-yuga, if somebody studies the glories of Dvadasi (Ekadasi) on Ekadasi day, they do not suffer with mental problems and physical disease.

 The Supreme Personality of Godhead once took a measuring scale and on one side put sacrifices, austerities etc. and on the other side Dvadasi day and found that Dvadasi is more meritorious.

 Any person who observes an Ekadasi fast with devotion becomes free from all difficulties and sins and after becoming purified, attains the abode of Lord Visnu.

 Even if for a moment Ekadasi is available on Dvadasi day and Dvadasi is not touching the Trayodasi day, one should fast on Dvadasi and break fast on Trayodasi. This fasting brings the results of performing one hundred sacrifices.


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